Tuesday 5 September 2017


Walt: Structure a recount

On Friday the 1st of September (2017) we had our Cross Country running race. It was super hot, but dry as well. What did you come in Cross Country?

I was sitting down waiting nervously in the year 6 girls row. It was so hot that i was going to faint, it was like the sun wanted to kill me. After the year 5 girls ran around the Pt England Reserve Miss West came
and got us to run next. Now i was nervous than ever. Have you been so nervous before?
All the year 6 girls lined up in a straight line, on the field waiting for the clappers to ‘CLAP’. I could hear some of the girls say that they were nervous, and then Mr Burt slammed the clappers together and we started to race. We went running on the field near the village and out of the gate and on the Pt England Reserve. I was so muddy i was cold and hot at the same time. I was seriously running out of breath. Was your Cross Country like this?

I was just walking for a little while and then Nasibah came and runs up, so then I just ran past Nasibah and I have no idea what I came. I was so tired i just walked and grabbed me a little cup of water. I drank one and then i grabbed another one and then i went to Santana and Maria, they were drinking their cup of water and then i said “girls, girls you don’t drink the water you pour it on your head” and then i actually poured it on my head. We all started laughing so much.

I had such a fun and what i learnt was that you should never give up when you're running because you may think that you are going to lose but you won’t know until you try it. If i did Cross Country again and i would do something differently is i would try and keep running and sprinting until i get really tired.
LOL Naomi is OTL as in Only The Lonely. #OTL

Task Description: Guess what we had on Friday the 1st of September, we had Cross Country and if you don't know what Cross Country is then i will tell you. Cross Country is when your teachers or someone makes a course for you to run and finish the course. We had to write about our cross country and it was so fun. but it's to bad i didn't come 1st but i have no idea what i came but Jorelle came first in our year 6 girls and please check out her blog. Here is the link to check out her blog. Jorelle's blog. Enjoy my writing of our school Cross Country.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Trendy
    I really love your writing about the Cross Country. Keep up the greet work and awesome work!!!.I hope this comment interest you. And thank you for posting this awesome piece of work!!!.\

    From Petesa
