Friday 31 March 2017

Save the earth

The Night Devil spider

The Night Devil is a Red and Black spider all it does is hide in the night and then it waits until they see their prey. Then it jumps and grabs the insect and it’s pretty fast but watch out it’s a sneaky little hunting spider. You would mostly see the Night Devil only if you stay up at night in the trees. It behaves very crazy it’s fast and very jumpy.

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Thursday 30 March 2017

Insect VS Spider

One day a black and red insect named Holly was wondering around the forest and then she saw a red-back spider. The spider went to Holly and introduced himself to her ‘Hello there my name is Ben I am a red-back spider’ he said in a creepy voice. Holly was really afraid of Ben because his creepy voice scared her. ‘Hi my name is Holly’ she said in a terrified way.

It was turning night time so Holly and Ben went into a hole in the tree and went to bed but while Holly was sleeping Ben woke up and dragged Holly out of the tree hole and took her away when Holly woke up she was stuck in webs.’Hi Holly i’m sorry to do this but i’m really hungry and there's no insects anywhere so i’m gonna have to eat you’ Ben said but he didn’t sound that sorry. ‘ Please don’t eat me I thought we were friends’ Holly said

Then Ben was just about to eat Holly but then a hawk came and scooped up Ben and ate him. Holly was scared and she was relieved that she was alive she was so happy that the hawk came down and scooped him. Then she got out of the web using her sharp legs and then she ran away back to her home and relaxed and said to herself ‘I’m never trusting anyone or anything ever again.

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Friday 24 March 2017

A-Z birds

This little owl is often found on open and lightly wooden farmland.
They are classified as not threatened.
Well to protect this bird is to probably keep it safe and do not harm it.
 Morepork, Orongorongo Track.

Thursday 23 March 2017


Walt:We're learning how to use interesting vocab.

Bumblebee Description

The Bumblebee is a fuzzy and a little black and yellow bug that collects honey from the flowers. The Bumblebee flies to the flower and eats the pollen from the flower and pollen is yellow stuff in the flower the middle part. When the bee grabs the pollen it goes into their legs then they go to the hive and drop the pollen into the hive. Each bee has a hole to put their honey in.  

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Who likes wetas

My bug I invented

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The Maleficent jumps from tree to tree so the Maleficent doesn’t die. The Maleficent lives up in the tree near or in the forest but it’s very rare to find the Maleficent and only 5% of people can find it. The Maleficent is a bug that is kind of harmless but it won’t kill you and if you grab the Maleficent by its horns you might get spiked by it.

Friday 17 March 2017

Yr 5/6 Camp 2017

This year the year 5&6’s went to the year 5&6 camp at school on the field on March the 8th, on Wednesday to Friday in term 1. I was so excited I was packing my stuff in a rush only so i
didn’t have to forget anything and I kept on checking my bag just to see if I've got everything.
Do you know what is camp? Well i’m gonna tell you about my camp. Camp is when you sleep in a tent at with 1-3 at school. It sounds weird but it’s actually fun, we also do activities at school. The activities are Killer zone now Killer zone isn’t when you kill someone it’s when you verse only one team that’s not in your group and then you MrJ blew his trumpet and then we ran to the first one. It was kind of hard. We used squared board to get to the other side because if you walk or step on the grass you might get eaten and well you do throw water balloons at each other but it doesn’t hurt it’s just fun, there was Get lost and it’s not when you get lost in the maze or when you can get lost and do nothing it’s when you go into 8 groups of 4 or 5 people and you have to work as a team so pretty much it’s teamwork, it’s when you work with your teammates through all the activities with your brain and your technique to pass all of them. That was fun. Also there was kayaking, in kayaking it was so fun because I was the first one to go to the pole with the green triangle at the top of the pole and some people were kind of impressed that I could go around the pole like a lot of times and some people were struggling, we also went to the pools I went swimming in the pools on the first day but I didn’t swim on the second day but of course I would swim on the last day and lastly we had the concert if you don’t know what a concert is i’m gonna tell you, a concert is when you perform or other people perform on the stage and you do a dance with all your pride and talent. I forgot there was also the last one that forgot was playing in the hall. It’s sounds dumb but there was ping pong, basketball, trampoline mat, the stage, there was scooters, skateboards and roller skates.

My favourite parts about camp was kayaking that was my favourite part because some people were falling out of their kayak but it was kind of sad to and I was the first person to paddle to the pole near the deep end. I also like in kayaking that I went around the pole probably 5 or 6 times and everyone was cheering for me because I was so good at kayaking in my group. I felt so proud of myself. Another highlight like a liked was playing in the hall because we got to play with the scooters, skateboards, roller skates, little trampoline mat, ping pong and lastly basketball. I liked playing in the hall because we all got to have fun and play around and practice on the stage.  

Well I want to thank all the teachers that help and looked after us while we sleep at night because if they didn’t look after us we would probably be very cold and the tents might of fell down and we would be so cold. I thank all the adults who made camp, there wouldn’t be camp without the teachers and parents help make camp and i’m so grateful that we have a camp. Also I thank the helpers that cooked the food and gave out the food to us if we didn’t have them we would be starving so everyone should be thankful for everyone that made camp because camp is amazing and no one should be sad on the day of camp. I’m so thankful for everything that happened at camp even though in was raining hard everyone had a great time at camp. I forgot to say thank you to Daisy and Jaylim for leading us and even handling all the noise, you guys were awesome out there and we came 3rd place because you guys lead us to victory. Thank you all for helping us.

I learnt how to work as a team and I learnt how to be responsible and I love that I learnt something if I didn’t learn anything I would probably be the same person before we started camp so that's what I learnt.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Camp soon 2017

Well let me tell about camp I don’t know much because I never went to camp year five so I just tell you stuff anyways let's get on with it. What i’m looking forward is to doing our dance oh I forgot to tell my group so my camp leaders are Daisy and Jaylim and our song for our dance is I gotta feeling by and the moves are funny but its gross at the same time.

Wanna know the group names well the group names are called Principals, Presidents, Sheriff's, Captains, Generals and lastly the Chiefs. The songs that were on the paper were September, I gotta feeling, Americano, another song I don’t remember what it’s called but it’s by pitbull and another one by one direction and some other ones.        

I’m hoping that we won’t have any terrible problems or any horrible weather because we all know that we want to have a marvelous day at camp and not a ugly stormy day, so i’m really hoping that we have a wonderful day at camp because this is my first time at camp and I don’t want my first time at camp to be horrible because I don’t have any other chance i’m a year 6 that's why.

What i’m nervous about is that well i don’t really know what i’m nervous about is probably who i’m going to sleep with at camp only because i don’t know if I can trust them or like I just don’t know who  to sleep with because all of the girls want to sleep with me, that kind of sounded weird but it's true so that's what i’m feeling about camp.