Friday 22 June 2018

Weekly Blog!

Weekly Blog!
This week in maths we have been learning about decimals. The girls have been on the floor solving questions that involve decimals but also Matua Don has been checking us out to see how we explain the problem, how we solved the problem and how we got the answer to the problem. In Reading we have been reading a book called 'Holes'. if it sounds familiar to you well that's because Holes is also a movie but the book was made before the movie. The book is all about Stanley and how Camp Green Lake goes out for him. He got bullied in his Middle School because of his size, he was an over weighted boy. He got sent to court because of his No-Good-Dirty-Rotten-Pig-Stealing-Great-Great-Grandfather. When it's writing, we do Wonder Writing. What is Wonder Writing? wonder writing is when the teacher shows us a picture and we have to make that picture come to life, well not actual come to life but we have to make up a story about it and use descriptive words to our story. Whoever has the most creative story gets a prize and to me I call those people 'Creative Imagination Thinkers' I only call them that because they have a mind that can think of anything and pretend that there doing those things write now. Their imagination is so creative that they could be famous when they grow up. That is what I've been learning and doing throughout this week. I hope you learn something.

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